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How to Add My Name in WhatsApp Message

WhatsApp has become one of the most popular messaging apps worldwide, allowing users to connect with friends, family, and colleagues. While the app offers a range of features, one way to make your messages stand out is by adding your name. By personalizing your WhatsApp messages, you can add a unique touch that represents your personality and makes your conversations more memorable. In this ultimate guide, we will explore how to add your name to WhatsApp messages and provide tips for choosing a display name that is both unique and memorable.


How to add your name on WhatsApp messages

Adding your name to WhatsApp messages is a straightforward process that can be done in just a few simple steps. Follow the instructions below to customize your messages with your name:

  1. Open WhatsApp on your device and go to the settings menu.
  2. Tap on your profile picture or the option that says “Profile.”
  3. Locate the section that says “Display Name” or “Name.”
  4. Enter your desired name in the provided field. You can use your real name, a nickname, or any other name that represents you.
  5. Once you have entered your name, tap on the save button or the checkmark icon to save your changes.

Now, whenever you send a message on WhatsApp, your name will appear alongside your message, adding a personalized touch to your conversations.

How to change your display name on WhatsApp

If you already have a display name on WhatsApp but want to change it, follow these steps to update your name:

  • Open WhatsApp and go to the settings menu.
  • Tap on your profile picture or the option that says “Profile.”
  • Find the section that says “Display Name” or “Name.”
  • Tap on your current name to edit it.
  • Enter your new desired name in the provided field.
  • Save your changes by tapping on the save button or the checkmark icon.
WhatsApp profile

By updating your display name, you can keep your WhatsApp messages fresh and reflect any changes in your identity or preferences.

Tips for choosing a unique and memorable display name

Choosing a display name for WhatsApp can be exciting, but it can also be challenging to come up with something that is both unique and memorable. Consider the following tips to help you select a display name that stands out:

1. Reflect your personality:

Your display name should reflect your personality or interests. Think about what makes you unique and find a name that captures those qualities. For example, if you love music, you could choose a display name related to your favorite band or song.

2. Keep it simple:

While it’s great to be creative, it’s important to keep your display name simple and easy to remember. Avoid using complicated or hard-to-spell words that might confuse others. A straightforward and concise name will make it easier for others to recognize you.

3. Be memorable:

Choose a display name that is memorable and leaves a lasting impression. Consider using wordplay, puns, or clever phrases that catch people’s attention. A memorable display name will make your conversations more engaging and enjoyable.

Benefits of personalizing your WhatsApp messages

Personalizing your WhatsApp messages by adding your name offers several benefits:

1. Recognition:

By adding your name to your messages, your contacts can easily identify who is sending the message, especially if they have multiple conversations going on. It helps avoid confusion and ensures that your messages are not overlooked.

2. Personal touch:

Adding your name adds a personal touch to your conversations. It shows that you are invested in the conversation and makes it feel more intimate. Your contacts will appreciate the effort you put into personalizing your messages.

3. Branding:

If you are using WhatsApp for business purposes, adding your name can help with branding. It allows you to establish a professional presence and create a consistent identity across your business communications.


Q: Can I change my display name as often as I want?

A: Yes, you can change your display name on WhatsApp as often as you like. Simply follow the steps mentioned earlier to update your name.

Q: Can I use emojis in my display name?

A: Yes, WhatsApp allows you to use emojis in your display name. Emojis can add a fun and playful element to your name, making it more expressive.

Q: Will changing my display name affect my existing conversations?

A: No, changing your display name will not affect your existing conversations. Your contacts will see the updated name in all future messages, but previous conversations will remain unchanged.


Personalizing your WhatsApp messages by adding your name is a simple yet effective way to make your conversations more memorable and engaging. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily customize your display name and choose a name that reflects your personality. Whether you use WhatsApp for personal or business purposes, personalizing your messages with your name adds a personal touch and helps you stand out in a crowded digital world. So go ahead, add your name to your WhatsApp messages, and enjoy more meaningful conversations.

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